In2SAM Courses

Virtually every employee uses software provided by the employer on a daily basis. However, not everyone realizes that this involves high costs and risks. Software vendors such as Microsoft, Oracle, SAP and Adobe employ hundreds of lawyers. They establish the rules that the company and all employees must comply with. Violation of these rules usually results in a hefty fine. If only the employees were aware of this situation, it would limit costs and risks.

Since 2018, In2SAM has fully focused on providing courses. The aim is to offer every target group within the organization the right course.

So it starts with the awareness of the employees. For this target group we have developed the Software and License Awareness Training. A training that every IT user should follow to ensure a highly effective use of software and licenses within an organization.

The next step is building knowledge among management and SAM and licensing specialists.
The Software Asset Management Foundation course provides the basic knowledge for every employee who is directly or indirectly involved in software and licenses.

The follow-up to this course is the Software Asset Management Advanced course. This course takes a closer look at the planning, implementation and execution of license management and SAM.

In addition to these specialist training courses, we offer the Audit Monitor training. This training provides a structured approach for organizations to arm themselves against audits by software manufacturers. Anyone dealing with software audits should take this training!