Software License Awareness Training ®

Your employees will increasingly purchase Software as a Service (SaaS) and work with BYOD. How do you ensure that, in addition to your IT people, your entire organization is also aware of the risks associated with software and licenses?

That is why we have developed the Software License Awareness Training. This training gives all employees in the organization insight and understanding of the challenges regarding software and licenses. Every employee who comes into contact with your ICT business should have the certificate that can be obtained with this training. It provides early insight into risks, but also potential savings can be made visible and realized more quickly.

Goal and structure of the training

The Software License Awareness Training is designed to ensure that employees understand the risks associated with obligations under the terms and conditions of license agreements and copyright law. It helps the employee’s organization to quickly detect potential risks and realize the cost savings faster.

The displayed slide shows the components that make up the training.

The training is offered as a standard online course. If required the training can be adjusted to your company needs (tailoring).

Click here for more information and to sign up for the training.