Tag Archives: licensing

And they (SAP) ‘promised’ not to directly pursue ……

Promisses SAP spokes persons and account managers were very quick to mention to the world that, now they won the Diageo court case, they wouldn’t directly start harvesting the new situation on indirect access. And in effect that’s a bit true. They now seem to aim at the big treasure chests that are out there. […]

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Innovation is dying, improvement is leading

invention_and_improvementThe last century was all about innovation. Invention after invention saw the light and brought us to the world we live in today. And as I see it now, there is still a little room for invention, but what we’re mostly doing is improving. We invented the automobile and improvements on that make it that we ‘order’ a car, tell the destination and we’re brought there without actually driving the car, as it will drive us (look at UBER).

We invented printing, and more specific 3d printing. This changes the game for high volume manufacturers as we’re now able to print the stuff we need in our own homes (not ready yet, but within a few years…) and not need to order from a factory that makes them by the millions.

We’ve invented the smartphone and frankly it hasn’t really changed a lot since the last decade. Just improvements and the new way of communication that’s build upon the smartphone is already there, it just needs improvement. (more…)

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What is ‘Indirect Access’ ?

According to SAP ‘indirect access’ is a term (beware: a term, not a definition !) for: “SAP data use by an end user or by an application, which is not via SAPGUI” and then SAP points to the System Measurement Guide.

In this System measurement Guide the named user is defined in article 1.2 and there is also a paragraph about indirect use:

Indirect Use
Named users primarily use the SAP software. Users from upstream or interposed technical systems require licenses as named users if they exchange information with the software in dialog or prompt mode, regardless of whether the software is accessed directly or indirectly.

Indirect access means that the user is communicating with a system upstream from the SAP software that transfers communication activities to the SAP software installation or otherwise accesses the SAP software or uses its functions.
In particular, the following are examples of indirect use: (more…)

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