Category Archives: Uncategorized

Innovation is dying, improvement is leading

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The last century was all about innovation. Invention after invention saw the light and brought us to the world we live in today. And as I see it now, there is still a little room for invention, but what we’re mostly doing is improving. We invented the automobile and improvements on that make it that we ‘order’ a car, tell the destination and we’re brought there without actually driving the car, as it will drive us (look at UBER).

We invented printing, and more specific 3d printing. This changes the game for high volume manufacturers as we’re now able to print the stuff we need in our own homes (not ready yet, but within a few years…) and not need to order from a factory that makes them by the millions.

We’ve invented the smartphone and frankly it hasn’t really changed a lot since the last decade. Just improvements and the new way of communication that’s build upon the smartphone is already there, it just needs improvement. (more…)

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Don’t start with the tool as single solution for SAM

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Just a little warning: In the past and present, and sadly the future, lots of organizations decide to do something on software asset management (SAM) and select and implement a SAM tool, without preparing their organization for the vast mass of information that wil come down on them as an avalanche. If you haven’t prepared your organization for this your investment (the tool) will end up in the archives as quick as you’ve decided to buy it based on the impressive and inviting demo’s and sales pitches. And then you’re missing out double, because at that point you’re adding the SAM tool to the significant savings you could have had!

The tool’s massive information stream can only be used to the maximum if your organization (more…)

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Awareness: BSA and Facebook

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I’m admitting; I do regularly check my Facebook account. And I do know that because it’s a subscription free service I have to live with the occasional advertisements and be aware that all my data is in the hands of an organization that really knows how to make money out of that.

But some time this week, while scrolling through my timeline, I saw that the BSA was advertising on facebook and inviting people to come clean about their employers possible illegal software utilization. So that means that virtually everybody (connected to social media) in the world can peach every organization and hope to make some money of that. I assume (I know I shouldn’t) that people will only do this when they have a very rotten relationship (more…)

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June 23 last, a majority of the voters in Britain voted for leaving the European Union. Many people talked before, during the referendum and after about “Brexit”. While the referendum occured I was in the United States and also in the US this was “ all over the news”. In news programs and talk shows on tv people discussed the possible consequensed – mostly financial – consequences of this exit.

Although I was in the United States on vacation I am a software asset management consultant and it immediately crossed my mind what would happen if the ruling of 2012 of (more…)

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All beginnings (with SAM) are simple! Unless you forget Common Sense


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About ten times a day someone tells me that Software Asset Management is so difficult and expensive. In my humble opinion, that’s totally wrong.

After all it is nothing more than using Common Sense, or horse sense!

When you are a company you’ll use ICT assets (I’d like to see one running its business without any!!),  and you’ll have to perform some kind of IT or Software Asset Management. Depending on the size of your company and the importance of your brand this (more…)

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An audit? A chance (to smile)!


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As you must feel completely paranoid by all those SAM and License experts and SAM tooling vendors on how many threats are coming your way, I guess it’s time to give you some good feelings for your companies’ and your own peace of mind.

Embrace….,yes, I say let’s embrace all the software creator’s pressure they bestow upon you by having frequent audits and telling you what kind of mess you apparently made of your software environment. This is the moment to pick up the battle axe and show them that, although you might have made some honest mistakes, you know what your rights and responsibilities are. (more…)

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