Tag Archives: ISO

SAM processen

Veel organisaties worstelen met softwarelicenties en slechts een enkeling slaagt erin zijn software compliance onder controle te krijgen. Vaak is dan het advies is om de Software Asset Managementprocessen op orde te brengen. Maar dan rijzen er vele vragen. Procesmodellen zoals ISO 19770 of ITIL-SAM geven wel aan om welke processen het gaat, maar bieden […]

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ISO19770- 3 and 4 and 1 and……. SAM standardized !

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Although the current release of the ISO/IEC 19770-3 standard is a good step forward it is still dependent on the software licensors to adept, adapt and adopt. I do congratulate my fellow WG21 members with this published standard and hope it will become a very lively and worldwide accepted document.

At In2SAM we treasure the fact that we’re part of the Dutch N381007 “software and systems engineering” commission and also the Dutch representative in the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7/WG 21 which develops, publishes and changes the ISO 19770 standard. And for that matter we (more…)

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